Electro Surgical Generators

ES-1 Digital Electrosurgical Generator with Unipolar Cut & Coag
Bipolar Cut & Coag
ES-2 Bipoar Digital Electrosurgical Generator with
Bipolar Cut, Coag & Saline-Cut Modes
ES-3 Digital Electrosurgical Generator with Unipolar Cut & Coag
Bipolar Cut, Coag, Seal & Saline-Cut Modes
ES-3 Pro + Digital Electrosurgical Generator with 
Unipolar Cut & Coag
Bipolar Cut, Coag, Seal & Saline-Cut Modes
ES-4 Bipolar Digital Electrosurgical Generator with 
Bipolar Cut, Coag, Seal & Saline-Cut Modes
ES-5 Bipolar Digital Electrosurgical Generator with 
Bipolar Cut, Coag, Seal  Modes
ES-6 Generator
Unipolar Cut, Coag & Bipolar Coag Seal Modes